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Are Cockatiels noisy?

Cockatiels are generally considered to be relatively quiet birds, especially when compared to other parrot species. However, like any pet bird, they do make noise, and their vocalizations can vary depending on their mood, environment, and level of socialization.

Cockatiels are known for their whistling and singing abilities, and many owners enjoy teaching their birds new tunes and songs. Male cockatiels, in particular, are known for their ability to whistle and imitate sounds, including the ringing of a telephone or the sound of a microwave.

While cockatiels are not known for being excessively noisy, they can become vocal if they are bored, lonely, or feeling threatened. In these situations, they may scream, screech, or squawk to get attention or express their discomfort. This is especially true if they are kept in a small or crowded environment, without enough toys or social interaction.

It's important to note that noise levels can also vary between individual birds. Some cockatiels are naturally more vocal than others, and their vocalizations can be affected by their age, gender, and level of socialization. Additionally, younger birds may be more likely to make noise as they are still learning how to communicate and socialize with their environment.

Overall, cockatiels are considered to be relatively quiet birds, especially compared to other parrot species. However, they do make noise, and their vocalizations can vary depending on their mood and environment. If you are considering getting a cockatiel as a pet, it's important to be prepared for some level of noise, and to provide your bird with adequate toys, socialization, and attention to minimize any excessive vocalizations.

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